Title: Darkness Embraced Series: Hades Hangmen #7 Author: Tillie Cole Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance Release Date: January 21, 2019 BLURB: THE DEEPEST LOVE CAN BE BORN FROM THE FIERCEST HATE… Born to sit on opposing thrones. They were never meant to fall. Tanner Ayers is the heir of the Texas Ku Klux Klan. Fed nothing but hate, violence, and intolerance from the day he was born, Tanner kills for his cause without remorse. Until he meets Adelita Quintana, the daughter of the most brutal cartel boss in Mexico. Adelita and Tanner hate each other instantly. But there is something between them that neither can explain or deny. Hate turns to desire, desire turns to love, and for the first time Tanner sees how wrong his whole life has been. For years, Tanner does everything he can to find a way for him and Adelita. He walks away from the Klan, his family, everything he ever believed, and joins the Hades Hangmen. But now the Hangmen are at war—not ...
Title: Punish Series : Protect #2 Author : Olivia Ryann Genre : Dark Romance Release Date : January 22, 2019 BLURB Stolen and abducted… yet in the same stroke, saved. On one hand, I escaped certain death at the hands of people who have already hurt me. On the other, now I’m trapped with him. The rival of my abuser, who is every bit as terrifying. Dark and sinfully handsome, he wants me. He wants me to turn my back on the religion that has raised me. He wants me to spread my legs for him and him alone. He wants to punish me. He wants to teach me to like his lessons. Or else he’ll kill my little sister and turn me over to the men who controlled me before. Either way, I will have to make sacrifices. Sacrifices that have lasting consequences. I walk on the knife’s edge between falling prey again and completely losing myself. And if I’m not careful, I may end up worse than dead... EXCERPT His lips brush my ear, his teeth touching the cartilage. Not...